Young Arts 2017 A Sculpture of Fishes

Several months ago I spoke with Helen Murt the Art Co-ordinator at Lymington School to discuss a possible art project.  She had previously expressed a wish for us to work together to promote art at the school.

I contacted several local artists to see if they would be interested in running a workshop with pupils from Lymington Junior School. My idea was for the year 6 pupils to create something to be placed in the grounds as a memory of their time at the school. Local artist Nicola Henshaw was very keen to work on this project

In discussion with  Helen Murt they decided on a seaside theme as Lymington is on the coast. Nicola suggested creating a sculpture of fishes with the pupils designing their own fish on paper.


The concentration and and enthusiasm was very apparent and the results were so impressive.

Nicola  then cut out these designs  in wood ready for the pupils to paint them..They were encouraged to mix their colours and to be creative and daring in their work.

These fish would  then be mounted on rods and displayed on a base.

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The pupils were very proud of their work and it  has been placed in the playground and creates a most impressive and eye catching sculpture.

Our thanks go to all the pupils and the staff and to Nicola for all her hard work and inspiration to the children.

The whole project was jointly funded by Arts Society New Forest and Wessex Area.



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